aspposter                                       Selling work at ASP4 in the ICA on Sunday, come on down.

Night-bus                                                       Night Bus. 76 × 56 cm. Oil pastel.

Gravity                                       Gravity. 42 × 29.7 cm. Colour pencil.

Paper weight                                            Paperweight. 9 × 7 × 10 cm. Plastic.

Frantic-euphoria                                                      Frantic euphoria. 84 × 60 cm. Mixed media.

The-truth-not-to-everyone                                                      The truth not to everyone. 84 × 60 cm. Mixed media.

Infinity                                                                 Infinity. 85 × 34 cm. Styrofoam, Polyfilla, spray paint.

Bone                                                         Bone. 42 × 22 × 9 cm. Milliput, vacuum-formed plastic, ink, MDF

Guy-Cry                      Guy Cry. 42 × 64 × 4 cm. Collage, vacuum-formed plastic, acrylic, MDF

Vignette                                                              Vignette. 21×15 cm. Ink, acetone transfer.

A-yellow-window                                                                         – Raymond Chandler, Farewell My Lovely

They-don't-have-to-please-anybody                        “They don’t have to please anybody. They are safe. They are civil without ever quite being polite and intelligent and

                          knowledgeable without any real interest in anything. They are what human beings turn into when they trade life for

                          existence and ambition for security.” – Raymond Chandler, The Little Sister

Anecdote-3                                       Anecdote. 42 × 29.7 cm, Ink on paper.

Validation II-thumbnail                                                                   Validation (II). 50 × 70 cm. Ink, pigment.

Validation-thumbnail                                                                 Validation. 50 × 70 cm. Ink, pigment.


Anecdote                                       Anecdote. 42 × 29.7 cm, Ink on paper.

Lowe-Alpine-Convert-Mitten-1 Lowe-Alpine-Convert-Mitten-2                                                                   Lowe Alpine Convert Mitten. 19.2 x 12 x 9.4 cm.

                                                                   Wood, Cord, Spray paint, Anti-climb paint

Ruins                                                                    Ruins. 150 × 140 × 90 mm. Plastic.

Whitey-2000                                       Whitey 2000. 420 × 297 mm. Ink on paper.

Acme                                                        Acme. 300 × 240 mm. Etching.

Akira,-Jungle                                       Akira, Jungle. 420 × 297 mm. Ink on paper.

Mandarin-Counterpoint                                              Mandarin Counterpoint. 108 × 117 mm. Plastic, stoneware, Milliput, bespoke fragrance.

Chai-Conflux1                                                            Chai Conflux. 180 × 163 × 76 mm. Stoneware, bespoke fragrance.

Zues                                                               Zues. 760 × 560 mm. Lithograph.

Bonfire                                                                  Bonfire. 420 × 297 mm. Pencil, Conté crayon.

Fome                                                             Fome. 760 × 560 mm. Lithograph.

Air                                                                   Air. 420 × 297 mm. Pencil, Conté crayon.

Quid                               Quid (Rip). 400 × 560 mm. Lithograph.

Con-Air1                                                  Con Air. 601× 594 mm. Lithograph.


Fing                                                           Fing. 300 × 240 mm. Etching.

Fireplace                                                                               Fireplace. 63 × 58 × 23 mm. Jesmonite.

Dreamcatcher                                                               Dreamcatcher. 140 × 200 mm. Etching.

Crucible                                                               Crucible. 135 × 108 × 108 mm. Stoneware.

Aqueduct                                                     Aqueduct. 61 × 163 × 52 mm, 10 × 58 × 39 mm. Stoneware.

Water-Tower                                                       Water tower. 98 × 65 mm. Stoneware.

Vessel                                                               Vessel. 90 × 97 × 73 mm. Stoneware.

Velux                                                                       Velux. 340 × 137 mm. Perspex, mastic.

Interconnect                                 Interconnect. 387 × 500 mm. Linocut.

114mm                                                             Vessel. 114 × 68 mm. Stoneware.